Our Library page aims to keep our community up to date with information regarding our Library, State and National events, community activities and links to other important websites.
Book week 2020
Book week will be celebrated from 17 October to 23 October.
The shortlist books have been announced, and our classes will be able to share the books when available. If you would like further information, check out the Children's Book Council website. The theme for 2020 is 'CURIOUS CREATURES, WILD MINDS'.
Our new Library system, known as 'Oliver', is now up and running!
To make a reservation, see what books you have on loan, or renew your books, log in to your DoE Student Portal and go to the 'Oliver' icon. For further assistance with this process, drop into our school library.
Current department information
The School A to Z website, is an excellent source of information for all aspects of education for students from Kindergarten to Year 12. As it is a Department of Education and Communities website, the content is relevant and should answer any questions about Public Education in NSW.
Book club
Scholastic Book Club is distributed throughout schools, and is an excellent way to purchase discounted books and support our School Library. Leaflets are distributed once a term, and offer fiction, non fiction and other non book items suitable for Kinder to Year 6 students.
Thank you to all our supporters! Our school receives hundreds of dollars worth of bonus points which are used to purchase further books and resources for our School Library.
For further information about Scholastic Australia, go to their website which contains everything you need to know about Book Club, links to fun and games, book reviews and much more. There is also a secure environment where purchases may be paid for.
NSW Premier's Reading Challenge
The Premier's Reading Challenge has been running throughout Australian Schools for over 10 years. The Challenge has helped to promote literacy and a love of reading for thousands of students. Those taking part are required to read a set number of books over several months. Rules vary between states. In NSW, it runs from 1 March to 31 August. This year the Challenge will close in August for students. This allows co-ordinators to enter and validate student logs before the end of August. All students completing the Challenge will receive a certificate, and students completing the Challenge for several years, will receive a PRC Medal.
Further information regarding the Challenge, book lists and the latest news, can be found on the Premier's Reading Challenge website.
At Panania Public School, all students in Kinder to Year 2 take part in the Challenge during Class lessons. Year 3-6 students are encouraged to take part by reading books on their Challenge list and completing a reading log. All logs must be returned to the Library by August, 2020 for students to be eligible for a certificate.
Children Book Council
The Children's Book Council of Australia (CBCA) is a not for profit, volunteer run, organisation which aims to engage the community with literature for young Australians. The CBCA is made up of state branches that work to promote literature and literacy in their state.
The CBCA presents annual awards to books of literary merit, for outstanding contribution to Australian children's literature. The Book of the Year winners for 2020, will be announced in August. Book Week will commence on Saturday 22 August, with events and activities taking place during the following week. This year's theme is 'CURIOUS CREATURES, WILD MINDS'.
For further information about Book Week, Children's literature and authors, the CBCA website contains a wealth of information. In 2020, the CBCA will be celebrating 75 years of enjoying and promoting the best of Australian literature for children and young people.
National literacy and numeracy
The NLNW website, www.nlnw.nsw.edu.au contains information and resources to participate in this year's activities. The site contains a classroom competition, videos, news and book information.
Students at Panania PS will be taking part in activities and the Reading Relay, to coincide with the week. Visit the website to check how you can become involved at home, and assist in highlighting the importance of numeracy and literacy to your children.