02 Apr 2020
As a school, we are closely following Department of Education and NSW Health recommendations and current advice to protect against the transmission of COVID-19 throughout the community. On Monday, 23 March, Mark Scott, NSW Department of Education Secretary, in alignment with NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian and NSW Minister for Education, Sarah Mitchell announced that schools will remain open for the children of essential service workers. Classes will not operate as per normal. Hence please care for your children at home if you are in a position to do so. We will continue to communicate essential information through the SkoolBag application.
At Panania Public School we have taken on the challenge of remote learning and our digital online learning platforms are fully operational. All K-6 classes are using Google Classroom, except for 3N who has opted to use Seesaw, to deliver daily content and communicate with students. If your child/children are experiencing difficulties or do not have access to a digital device please contact their class teacher by email to organise alternative arrangements. In addition, students will be explicitly advised by their teachers on how to work through text books. Further information about learning from home is available on the Department of Education website. https://education.nsw.gov.au/teaching-and-learning/curriculum/learning-from-home
Continuing learning is only one piece of the puzzle, our children’s mental wellbeing is of paramount importance in these changing times. Children can sense anxiety and tension. Please comfort your children, reassure them and spend time with them. Share a book, bake a cake, play board games, watch a movie, draw pictures, make a family movie or play a game in the backyard. Remember stay positive, stay informed, stay active and stay connected.